
Many of you have been asking about the people that I was working with while I was in the Philippines.
The two primary populations that we were working with are called the Agta and the Mamanwa and they are "negrito" peoples. This terrible categorical term was given to them by the Spaniards and has been used ever since. They are (like their name describes) short-statured, dark-skinned, kinky-haired peoples. Many of the children have blondish-orangey patches of hair. These people are native to the Philippines and are thought to have lived there for a long time. They are not "African" (I guess it would depend on how you define African...really we're all African...kind of) --- modern Europeans are more genetically similar to modern Africans than these negrito peoples. They truly are incredible humans --- they are still hunting and gathering and are very unique peoples in general. And boy, do they fly up the mountains into the rainforest! Often barefoot! We're talking southeast Asian rainforest full of rattans with long and slippery rocks...all sorts of biting vicious ants...these people really are amazing.
However, I am sad to say that I think I will be the last generation to witness much of this uniqueness and beauty - as mining companies, loggers, christian evangelical groups, and a complex/longstanding history of exploitation/environmental degradation are contributing to slow cultural extinction of these peoples.
If you are interested in hearing more about my professor's research with these people, or mine, let me know and I will gladly share more info and more photos.
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