Well, I live in Los Angeles right now.

Life is great – I am very happy here. Academically, I can't think of a better place to be right now. I am taking 3 classes: Great Adaptations, Survey of Biological Anthropology, and Evolutionary Psychology. In addition to my classes, I am helping a student of Dr. Martie Haselton in the lab, talking to every single grad student, going to every single BEC talk (BEC = Center for Behavior, Evolution, & Culture), going to XBA (Experimental Biological Anthropology lab with faculty and grad students), and asking as many questions to as many people here as possible!
I had already spent a good amount of time here in the past (I took an intensive Russian course here summer of 08) but I still am amazed by the beauty of the campus and the resources/opportunities available to students.
My aunt and uncle and their 3 babies live in Santa Clarita, so I get to drive there sometimes and see them, which is really nice. Oh, and my apartment is lovely, you can see my breakfast nook above :)
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