Los Angeles.

Los Angeles.
I miss Los Angeles so much.
What is it about that crazy ass city that has me missing it?!!?!?
3 Things:
Tons to do
My best friend
Best weather
There is something about L.A. that just...makes me happy. And while everyone is surprised at this (“Emerald, you're so not L.A”), it's not really a surprising thing. What is L.A.? It's huge, and it's everything. It's bikes. It's busses. It's CARS. It's clubs. It's punks. It's Little Armenia. It's taquerias. It's sushi. It's porn-land. It's UCLA. It's beach. Its...24 hour d
onut shops.
It's true that the aspiring actor/industry energy is strong. It's an energy that I feel pretty removed from, but I guess I can say that I feed off of that energy. Who knows. Being in a place where people are striving so hard for this ONE THING that I have nothing to do with – gives me this sense of people being extremely productive and full of life. People take care of their bodies. That's nice.
But yeah, the weather is great and there's tons of cool shit to do there. And my best friend is there. Who, just happens to be, THE MOST RAD human that this world has EVER known.
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