Handog ng Pilipino sa Mundo

April 7th, 2011
I have interacted with all sorts of Filipinos.
I have interacted with Filipinos who live in California.
Filipinos who live in California who are going to visit family back in the Philippines.
Filipinos who live and work in Manila.
Provincial Filipinos who are living in rural areas...who are farmers...etc.
Filipinos who are living in very remote rural areas
Filipinos who are HUNTER GATHERERS who look nothing like most Filipinos
There are things that I love about the Philippines and there are things that I hate about the Philippines. But, all in all, for a country that has been jacked by the Spaniards, the Japanese, AND the United States...and for a country that is in the HEART of the Pacific Rim of Fire and prone to all sorts of natural disasters and tropical diseases, it's doing alright. I feel good about having spent more time here than in any other country (except for the U.S., of course).
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