The Real University

“The real University, he said, has no specific location. It owns no property,
pays no salaries and receives no material dues. The real University is a state
of mind. It is that great heritage of rational thought that has been brought
down to us through the centuries and which does not exist at any specific
location. It's a state of mind which is regenerated throughout the centuries
by a body of people who traditionally carry the title of professor, but even
that title is not part of the real University. The real University is nothing
less than the continuing body of reason itself.
In addition to this state of mind, “reason," there's a legal entity which
is unfortunately called by the same name but which is quite another thing.
This is a nonprofit corporation, a branch of the state with a specific address.
It owns property, is capable of paying salaries, of receiving money and of
responding to legislative pressures in the process.
But this second university, the legal corporation, cannot teach, does not
generate new knowledge or evaluate ideas. It is not the real University at
all. It is just a church building, the setting, the location at which conditions
have been made favorable for the real church to exist.
Confusion continually occurs in people who fail to see this difference,
he said, and think that control of the church buildings implies control of
the church. They see professors as employees of the second university who
should abandon reason when told to and take orders with no backtalk, the
same way employees do in other corporations.
They see the second university, but fail to see the first.”

-Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 


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