The fight for normalcy: why I have always been attracted to "subcultures"
Close friends in my orbit have heard me talk about this non-stop lately: the fight for normalcy.
Let's frame this essay a little bit first: what do I mean by "normalcy"?
When I talk about normalcy, I'm talking about things that for the majority of human history were considered normal, regular, necessary parts of the human experience. And while I am well-traveled especially in Latin America, note that I am mostly writing from a US perspective.
So when I say the fight for normalcy, there are so many things that can apply to this concept. Whole food nutrition, inter-generational exposure and support, birth and death processes, play-based learning, and the main one: social connectedness and interdependence.
I argue that if you live in a big city or even small city or suburb in most industrialized countries, in order to have anything normal, you have to fucking fight for it due to our highly individualistic, racist, sexist, capitalist structures.
Want to rely on friends and family to give you a ride when you need one? You have to work through your shame and discomfort, and break societal norms, just to ask them for one! And then who knows what they will say!
Want to have a normal, physiologic (vaginal and at you/your baby's pace)
birth? You have to do research, talk to people, find midwives or
supportive providers with low c-section rates, consider staying away from the hospital if possible, and more.
Want to feel ease or relief from the intense anxiety or depression you feel daily due to the material conditions of your life? Go search for a therapist, have a few visits and see if you like them before choosing one. And if you're lucky enough to have health insurance - just know it probably doesn't cover it. Cause your brain is definitely not part of your body and physical health.
Want to know about how to take care of a baby or child? Well great! You can spent hundreds of dollars on baby gear and newborn care classes since you've spent 35 years of your life disconnected from babies and old folks!
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