I AM an international dance party. Officially.

March 27, 2011

Last night I went out dancing with Lily and 3 NCIP workers (all over the age of 40). We went to a place here in Santiago City called “Metro Mix” - HAHA.

I danced with Wulfredo, a lively gay NCIP staff who probably smokes ~3 packs a day [indoors] and has been begging all week for me to find him a “baby boy” in the U.S...HAHA...he also is awesome because he is one of the only people who will just straight-up talk to me in Ilocano even though he knows that I don't understand, and then he will crack up; I will crack up, and then he gives me a high-five and fist bump. Pretty much the best.

But yeah, dancing: I had fun. The funny thing was – there were a few girls who were there dancing on and off (like me), but the weird thing about discos in the Philippines is that people don't really dance with eachother, they just plop in front of a walled mirror and watch themselves dance.

I have been to discos (last year) and I always remembered hated that (the mirrors). This time I just tried to embrace it. I would dance with Wulfredo, and once in a while I would go up to the girls and just dance in front of the mirror. I tried really hard to be comfortable with it – or essentially, just tried hard to get out of my comfort zone and do something that felt kind of silly to me. I mean, the truth is, I wanted to dance, and if you're going to dance it's hard to do your own thing and dance with people when they just want to look at themselves dance. Heh heh.

So I danced hard. Even though I was uncomfortable at times (being the foreign girl with a SHAVED head, wtf?) I had a nice time. I experimented and tried some new moves in front of the mirror. It was cool.

I will surely look forward to dancing with my friends in the U.S. :)

My off days are over; I will be heading to Palanan tomorrow morning to work with the Agta. Assuming, the weather permits it.


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